In the 80’s and 90’s, anecdotes of serious accidents and fears of growth plate injuries gave way to a consensus amongst doctors that the risks of weightlifting far outweighed the benefits. So what was their reasoning and how has it changed since?
Preventing Injuries with Good Nutrition
How to Walk the Tightrope of Recovery
What Maria Sharapova, Andy Roddick, and Sven Groeneveld told me about injury prevention
Non-surgical options for wear-and-tear injuries
The Science of Supplements
What to eat after surgery
When it comes to nutrition, people tend to treat surgery recovery like they do the flu—a couple bowls of soup, a few cans of ginger ale, and a lot of rest. The thinking is that, because you’re bed-ridden, your nutritional and caloric needs are low, and “normal” eating will just lead to weight gain. And while that certainly makes sense, it’s also wrong—dead wrong.