2017 WTCA Conference, New York City
The first worldwide conference in history dedicated exclusively to coaching women's tennis.
The National Coaching Conference
Back in the Game: How to Return to Sport after a Wear-and-Tear Injury
Description: Coming back from an injury isn’t easy. Push the athlete too hard and the injury gets worse. Keep the athlete in bed for two weeks, and her muscles will stiffen and atrophy, making a proper recovery next-to-impossible. So what do you do? How can you guide your players along that tightrope of recovery and ensure they don't fall off?
Non-Clinical Careers for Physicians Conference
Working as a Medical-Legal Expert
As part of this exciting two-day conference featuring doctors working in a wide array of fascinating careers, I will be discussing my work as an expert medical witness.
The Evolution of Degenerative Spinal Disease: Prevention and Return to Sport
Join Dr. Erin Boynton and rehab educator Sally Belanger for a three-hour lecture on degenerative spinal disease and learn to manage and prevent degenerative spinal disease, and help your patients return to their sports and activities.